Under the JOG Program, TAWJA networked with the Society for Women against AIDS in Tanzania (SWAA-T) which has Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in twenty districts in the country.

TAWJA conducted a Training of Trainers Workshop at Arusha for SWAA-T’s CBOs’ leaders to empower them to train other leaders and members in human rights laws with a view to disseminate elementary human rights knowledge and skills to grass root level.

To reach grass root levels of the community, TAWJA printed pamphlets on the Law of Marriage, domestic violence, inheritance, how to write a will, simple litigation and complaints against Judges and Magistrates with a view to demystify the court process and to facilitate free access to the courts of law.

The pamphlets have assisted widows, widowers, orphans and other disadvantaged persons to know, how, when and where to file their cases in the event of misappropriation of estates, in custody of children disputes, breach of basic human rights, and in matters pertaining to divorce, distribution of matrimonial properties upon dissolution of irreparably broken down marriages, et cetera.

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