The Tanzania Women Judge’s Association (TAWJA) was established in 2000 as an affiliate to the International Association of Women Judges  (IAW) and a professional advancement organisation for women judges and magistrates of all levels within the Judiciary of Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. it is registered under the Non-governmental Organisation Act No. 24 of 2022 as a non- profit making organisation with Registration Number 00NGO/R2/000653. At moment, all TAWJA has four hundred and forty eight (448) members comprising of Justices of the Court of Appeal, High Court Judges,  Registrars, Magistrates at all levels, Judges’ Assistances, as well as retired Judges and Magistrates. Our Male counterparts who are recognised trainers serve as TAWJA’s honorary associate members.

Theme: Celebrating Diversity and Solidarity in Gender Parity – 25 Years of TAWJA’s Existence.The Tanzania Women Judges’ Association (TAWJA), a professional Non-Governmental Organiz…


Mwenyekiti wa TAWJA pamoja na wanachama wakiwa katika banda la TAWJA Dodoma katika uzinduzi wa wiki ya sheria
Chama cha Majaji na Mahakimu Wanawake Tanzania (TAWJA) Dodoma na Morogoro wamepongeza Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani ya Tanzania, Mhe. Latifa Alhinai Mansoor baada ya kuapishwa rasmi na Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Mhe. Dkt. Samia Suluhu Hassan katika hafla ya uapisho iliyofanyika Ikulu ya Chamwino Mkoani Dodoma leo tarehe 22 Januari, 2025.
Chama cha Majaji na Mahakimu Wanawake Tanzania (TAWJA) leo tarehe 19 Januari, 2025 kimefanya mbio maalum zilizohusisha Majaji, Naibu Wasajili, Mahakimu, vikundi vya riadha pamoja na Wadau mbalimbali ili kupinga vitendo vya unyanyasaji wa kijinsia ikiwa ni ishara ya uzinduzi wa Maadhimisho ya Jubilei ya Miaka 25 tangu kuanzishwa kwake.


TAWJA specializes in disseminating human rights knowledge and skills to judicial officers as part of continued judicial education. The training programs are prepared and conducted by qualified trainers who successfully completed a training of trainer’s course designed by Mrs Anne Goldstein, the Director of Training of the International Association of Women Judges. As of now, TAWJA has 20 trained trainers.


Our network of women judges to benefit from our global expertise and strengthen our collective mission

Our Mission

(1) TAWJA’s mission is sensitize the judiciary, law enforcement agencies and all peoples to promote, and enforce human rights for every person irrespective of his or her status, colour, race, religion, political affiliation or gender.

(2) Combat violence against women, children and other Vulnerable persons.

Our Vision

TAWJA’s vision is equal justice for all without discrimination.

© 2024 Tanzania Women Judges Association. All Rights Reserved