TAWJA needs to urgently build her training capacity by setting up independent office, engage part time program officer who will oversee research and data collection by least two part time research assistants, and a part time secretary/administrative assistant.
Research and data collect ion will enable TAWJA to compile/translate landmark human rights decisions for circulation within the judiciary and other jurisdictions to improve the quality of administering justice in our country and elsewhere the world with view to attain equal justice, peace and stability from family to national and international levels.
Since TAWJA expects to host the 12the Biennial IAWJ Conference in May 2014, the Program officer and her staff will be vital links in preparing for the said World Assembly of Women Judges. As of now IAWJ has over 4,000 women judges in 102 countries in Africa, North America, Canada, Asia, Australia, New- Zealand, Europe and South America.
As world has now become a small village accessible by internet, TAWJA needs to build the capacity of her members and office workers can access and post cases, data and other details on TAWJA’s website, as well as able to access IAWJ and other members countries’ websites to keep abreast with the development of human rights knowledge, skills and other international and regional legal matters affecting women, children and human race. TAWJA recognizes to cause or bring change in realm of social justice, one has correct information, knowledge and skills for resolving disputes, creating awareness and mobilizing human and other resources.