Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts on the given topics. Manuscripts should be submitted to TAWJA Editorial Board (the Board), in English language accompanied by a signed Declaration that the article has not been published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere and that no plagiarism has been committed. The format of the Declaration is appended hereto.
The manuscript should be submitted by electronic mail (Word attachment, 1997-2003 compatible) to the Board via TAWJA Publicity-Secretary email address.
The Board’s Secretary will acknowledge receipt of all manuscripts. Also, after receiving comments from the Board, the Chairperson will give a notification of acceptance, rejection or need for revision to authors usually within 12 weeks of receipt of an article.
The manuscript should be submitted by electronic mail (Word attachment, 1997-2003 compatible) to the Board via TAWJA Publicity-Secretary email address.
As part of the submission process, authors are required to comply with all of the following items. None compliance will lead to a rejection of the manuscript.
The manuscript should be submitted by electronic mail (Word attachment, 1997-2003 compatible) to the Board via TAWJA Publicity-Secretary email address.
The articles should focus on the theme of the journal and not otherwise. The content should answer the concern(s)/ issue(s) which is being written about. The content must be jurisprudential and of interest to the society (especially addressing issues of women and children).
Authors must check their articles for plagiarism and sign anti-plagiarism Declaration before sending them to the Board’s Secretary. Any article found to have been plagiarized will be rejected outright.
The title of articles must not exceed 15 words. This includes punctuation marks if used. The title must be capitalized and in Bold, Size 12 Times New Roman and aligned to the centre.
You will need to anonymise your article. To do this, please place all identifying information (author names and affiliations, and acknowledgements that could identify the author(s)) into a separate file, and upload this alongside the anonymised article file.
The names of the author should be written in full in the order of first name, middle name (if any) and surname, followed by an email address. The author’s institutional and professional affiliation, if any, biographical information and/or acknowledgement should also be provided.
Authors must provide an abstract at the beginning of the article. The abstract must strictly not exceed one page, and in Times New Roman, size 12. The abstract must be indented on both sides.
Articles should not exceed 20 pages for general and 15 for special issues in length, including abstract and footnotes.
Only articles written in standard (grammatically correct and structurally good) British English will be accepted. Authors are advised to ensure that they edit or proofread their articles before submission. Articles with serious structural or grammatical mistakes shall be rejected. Authors who do not have good mastery of written English are advised to seek assistance from professional language editors.
Format Requirements
Headings and Fonts
All headings should be in Times New Roman, font size 12, bolded, upper case and aligned to the centre.
All sub-headings must be numbered in Arabic numerals. Roman numbers and alphabets are strictly NOT allowed.
Both the main text, footnotes and indented quotations should be in Times New Roman font and the font size should be as follows:
Line Spacing
All paragraphs should start at the margin. Using the line spacing options in MS Word, a space should be ‘added’ after each paragraph. Do not leave a blank line between paragraphs. The entire text should be fully justified.
Foreign words and phrases
Use italics only for truly foreign words (except foreign language proper nouns). Do not italicize words and abbreviations generally accepted in the English language (e.g., inter alia, de facto, ibid, i.e. etc.). All other foreign phrases should be followed by a brief translation either in square brackets or in an explanatory footnote.
Abbreviations other than those which are generally accepted must be defined upon first appearance in the text. Keep abbreviations to a minimum.
Use double quotation marks (“…”) when directly quoting a text from a source. In the main text (not in the footnotes) quotations that are more than 4 lines long in text should be indented (1 cm) on both sides and presented without quotation marks. Do not use ellipses or dots (……) at the beginning or end of an indented quote. To indicate where words or phrases have been omitted from within a quotation, use only three dots “…”.
When writing dates, use the style “10 February 1989”.
Authors should use Footnotes and not Endnotes. Use “above” and “below” to refer to other footnotes in the article. DO NOT use supra, op cit, loc cit, infra, etc.
Heavy footnoting is discouraged; unless it is truly necessary, avoid putting long texts in the footnotes.
All referencing must follow OSCOLA (Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities). OSCOLA is a footnote style: all citations appear in footnotes. It does not use endnotes or in-text citations. Authors shall follow the style when citing primary legal sources such as cases, law reports and legislation from the UK and the EU, as well as secondary sources such as books, journal articles, Hansard, websites and policy statements.
For a complete and comprehensive guide, go to the OSCOLA website at
Multiple Authors
When citing a source written or edited by multiple authors, observe the following:
Organization as Author
If a publication is issued by an organization (or association, commission, corporation, NGO, etc.) and has no personal author’s name on the title page, list the organization itself as the author, even if it is also given as publisher.
The bibliography should be written as per OSCOLA style and be placed at the end of the articles.
I/we……………………………………………………………………… (name of author/authors), who wishes/wish to submit my/our article for publication in the …………………………………………… (name of Journal) do hereby declare that the article has not been published nor has it been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. I/we also declare that the article or any part of it is my/our original work and that it has not been plagiarized.
Declared at: ____________________________ on: _______________________
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